Exploring Learning: My Reflections

Dive into the enriching discussions of the Learning Designers’ Dialogue, where participants explored the essence of learning through open communication and genuine connection. From the principles of adaptability and experiential learning to the transformative power of sharing and conversing, this post delves into the multifaceted nature of learning. Join us in reflecting on the collective wisdom shared and embrace a culture of collaboration and lifelong growth.

Technology Access and Use VS Learning In Education

There is an increase in the access and use of technology, especially among students. Students are getting excited about owning a smartphone or tablet. However, does this translate to their use of this devices for learning purposes? What is the relationship between technology access and learning with technology? Are students ready for m-learning? The Findings …

Basic Learning Anatomy

What is Learning? There has been varied definitions and descriptions of learning and theorists have explained it in different ways. However, everyone (including me) has learnt one thing or the other, at one point or the other in life. So in the past few weeks, I had been thinking about what learning is to me …