Personalised Learning: Insights from “Horse Play”

Dive into the dynamic world of personalized learning with insights drawn from the captivating poem “Horse Play.” Join me as we unravel the metaphorical layers of the poem, exploring its relevance to education and the transformative potential it holds. From embracing diversity to fostering inclusivity and infusing joy into learning, discover how personalized learning can revolutionize the education landscape. Let’s embark on this journey together, fueled by our passion for education and our commitment to creating a brighter future for all learners.

Exploring Learning: My Reflections

Dive into the enriching discussions of the Learning Designers’ Dialogue, where participants explored the essence of learning through open communication and genuine connection. From the principles of adaptability and experiential learning to the transformative power of sharing and conversing, this post delves into the multifaceted nature of learning. Join us in reflecting on the collective wisdom shared and embrace a culture of collaboration and lifelong growth.

COVID-19 – 4+ Features of a great LMS for Remote Learning

With the spread of CoronaVirus, many schools & districts around the world are taking bold decisions to close schools at least for some time, some for 1 week, others for 2 weeks and some indefinitely! In Northshore California for example, all schools in the district are closed for 2 weeks. All schools have been mandated …

Tech Educators (TEdu) Training

Training Theme Assessment and Technology Training Description What is Assessment? Why exactly do we assess our students? What about grades and scores? Performing assessments, either to improve teaching method and strategy or to test student learning, is an integral part of the teaching & learning process. Unfortunately, this can quickly become a source of stress …

4 Tips for Professional Development for Teachers

Anyone who stops growing starts dying. And why should you be a teacher, helping others learn when you’re not learning yourself? A great teacher is a great learner! He keeps seeking ways to develop himself. He seeks new knowledge and new ways of doing what he does. Great teachers (just like great schools) place great …

#4 Automatically Backup your Photos with Google Photos

Podcast Description Pictures are memories captured, we do not want to lose them. Many resort to posting their pictures on Social media like Facebook but this isn’t advisable. Listen to this episode to see how to safely back up your photos automatically using Google Photos. Episode In this episode In episode 4, I share my …

The Use Of CBT For Effective Feedback

Computer-based tests are a great way of performing formative assessments in schools. Apart from the ease and speed of grading, CBTs allow for immediate and personalized feedback to students. Students can know exactly what went wrong, why it went wrong, and most importantly how to get back on track! How To Use CBT For Effective …

#3 Keeping Lists & Notes with Google Keep

Podcast Description In this third episode, I introduce to you a free Google app that I love and use called Google Keep. I use it to ‘keep’ quick notes and especially my lists. Everything from my to-do to lists of things to buy all gets noted in Keep and I can even check items off …

Video Creation for Engaging Students – My Process!

In the 21st century classroom, engagement is a word you hear often. From teachers to school admin and even government officials, they all want our students to be engaged. Teachers especially are looking for new ways to engage their students so that they can understand the content properly. A look at the Activated Classroom Teaching …