Veteran Teachers and Technology: A Call to Action

All teachers bring immense value to education. However, some struggle to adapt to new technologies in the classroom. This article explores these challenges, highlights the invaluable role educators play, and offers practical solutions to support their transition into tech-enabled teaching.

Strategies for Writing Great Online Summaries

Have you ever been in a serious discussion or long chat and when the discussion was going on, you felt so much was been said but after it, you couldn’t identify much that you really learnt? This becomes even more critical when this discussion is done online. Either it’s a synchronous chat session that lasted …

Encouraging Participation in An Online Course

As I continue my reflections and keep learning how to facilitate online, one of the activities this week was responding to a very interesting scenario on encouraging participation. Just like in a face-2-face classroom setting, the online environment also has a variety of students with different learning styles, personality types and technical skill level (peculiar …

Facilitating Online – First things First!

I’ve been wondering how to approach my reflections here. I could pick it from the student angle which I am in the course and simply report how the course progresses, but I decided to reflect from the facilitator’s point of view. Since I am training to be a facilitator in an online environment, looking at …

Online Facilitation – My Reflections!

I was so excited that morning when I finally received the confirmation email stating that I had been selected to participate in this online course on Facilitating Online, being offered by the Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching of the University of Capetown, South Africa. I had previously received an email with the opening …