My Portfolio Images for sharing

This week’s Articulate e-Learning challenge was to showcase my e-Learning portfolio and create images for sharing on different social media. It was a great time and as usual, packed with many things to learn… I couldn’t refuse participating, at least I will play around with images a bit. It was fun and challenging!

There were four parts to this challenge…
1. Share the link to your e-learning Portfolio Page.
2. Create header image for recap post.

My Portfolio Header Image
My Portfolio Header Image (550 x 274)

3. Create images optimized for sharing on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

My Portfolio Image for Facebook
My Portfolio Image for Facebook (1200 x 599)
My Portfolio Image for Twitter (1024 x 511)
My Portfolio Image for Twitter (1024 x 511)
My Portfolio Image for Pinterest (236 x 481)
My Portfolio Image for Pinterest (236 x 481)

4. Share your images to these social networks!
Unfortunately, Daniel has ‘refused’ to be on any social media for now, except of course LinkedIn (which I only joined actively a few months ago). Why? Too many things competing for my precious 24hours… So I could not fulfil this last part of the challenge. Nevertheless, I decided to create the images for those media notwithstanding!

Image Creation and Sizing.
Jackie and Melissa’s portfolio images were particularly helpful for my concept. I got the bookshop template from the heroes resource page and these all turned out well, I guess!
After working in PowerPoint, (as usual) I saved each work as a picture. I opened it in ‘paint’ and resized it using pixel resize to the desired size and that’s it!

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