In the midst of plenty of work, I decided to stop to cater for two previous e-learning challenges – Create your own e-learning character and Gate screens in e-learning courses. That’s killing two birds with one stone, very possible!
e-Learning Characters.
In building online courses, it may just become expedient to create your own characters and its so simple to achieve. Building a custom character pack is something I began to do for re-use in subsequent courses. View other examples and uses of characters here.
Gate Screens.
A Gate Screen is a screen that serves as a gate! Yes…that simple. It is a way of checking or reviewing the learner’s understanding of the course, before he proceeds to the next part of the course. They make the learner pause and think about his choice and be sure that was actually his choice. Gate screens can also be used to give feedback to the learner. View other examples and uses of gate screens here.
The Concept.
I could not resist the great temptation this time, of creating in alignment with my most exciting and engaging topic and theme – JESUS CHRIST. So when David needed characters around a particular theme, I felt it was a good opportunity to attempt one of my master!
The Design.
I looked for a free image of Jesus on the cross and brought it into PowerPoint. I began to imagine shapes for the figure and one after the other put one shape over another. Let me note that Mike Taylor’s tutorial on creating pictogram characters, particularly using edit points and add point; was very helpful, thanks to Jackie for pointing out in her work.
For the gate screen, I used a rectangle shape to create the blur effect over the background screen and placed the gate on it. Its a very simple way to help the learner confirm if he really wants to download the whole story (considering data and memory issues).
The Application.
This character graphic and similar ones can be useful to designers who design courses around the bible. Different kinds of gate screens can be added to aspects of the course to check a learner’s present understanding of the course, give appropriate feedback based on learner’s choices and confirm a proceed to next section.
The Result.
The result is a simple three-slide PowerPoint work of the Gospel and the man at its center!

Download the full interaction in PowerPoint here. (Don’t forget to view as a slideshow)
Other Resources.
Simple ways to create awesome custom e-learning graphics
Easy to create pictogram graphics in PowerPoint download
7 ways to create characters for your online training course
Stop your learners before they get started