Blurred Backgrounds for E-Learning

This week, David Anderson challenged us with creating blurred backgrounds for use in e-learning and several e-learning heroes came up with many great ideas for when to use blurred backgrounds. Use of blurred backgrounds. In e-learning, background images can be blurred to bring attention to the character or text on the screen, which would ordinarily have conflicted …

Design of a mini-course for research students

The E-Learning challenge for this week was interesting maybe because this time, David allows us to pick our own challenge and design, only it must be original to this challenge. I really enjoyed going through the submissions of community members and seeing what happens when David allows designers to pick their own challenge – so much …

Quickly add random “Lorem ipsum” text in PowerPoint

Recently, I received an email update showing me a PowerPoint tip that I did not know about and so I decided to share it with you. I had been seeing other people create entire paragraphs of random text and I wondered how they generated these text. Many of them are “Lorem ipsum” texts which I …

Sharing Tribe, PLN, COPs – Different? Overlap?

Think of this blog post as a #ThinkingOutLoud kind of post and though it may not look perfect/finished, I wanted it out for some discussion (if I might get some). We just finished another #PKMChat tonight on Knowledge creation, sharing, exploring. Apart from all the discussions around portfolios and those around what stage of our …

Getting Started with Twitter Chats

I’m sure you must have heard of “Twitter Chats” before now, and twitter chats are a good use of Twitter for professionals. I would just briefly give a simple description and show basics of what twitter chats are and participating in them. What’s a Twitter Chat? A twitter chat is a (usually) one-hour discussion, at …

Send PDF Documents via WhatsApp

Over the past weeks, WhatsApp had an update to its mobile apps. Whatsapp, which has grown from simply being a free texting service to the go-to app for communication, seem to be making series of updates to their app just to make it easier to keep in touch with family and friends. I can count …

SlideShare – Communities of Practice

Though a bit late, I am still joining in the ELHChallenge for this week. This week, David asked us to SlideShare our e-learning examples. The simple idea is to share something you’ve worked on, but, this time, using SlideShare. Since I already had an ineffective account on SlideShare, it was a good way to use …

Managing your Podcast – Podcast Addict App

Recently I heard my brother listening to a podcast I was interested in and when I asked in detail, he showed me the android app Podcast Addict. I looked through it briefly and decided to give it a try at managing my several podcasts. I’ve used it for just about a month but I have …

Transparent Echo Technique for Background Images

Yes . . . I’m back to the e-Learning heroes challenges after several months of not being able to participate. Somehow, I could not just resist this particular challenge – it was both simple and fun! The Challenge David Anderson, the challenge umpire asked us to use what Tom Kuhlmann called the transparent echo technique to create background …