#2 Scanning A Document With Your Smartphone

Podcast Description In this second episode, I take you through the steps you will need to scan any document using your smartphone, with the Google Drive app. This app is a cloud storage app, that is part of the Google Apps suite and it usually is preinstalled on most Android phones. Episode In This Episode …

#1 Introducing the Tech Tools & Tips Podcast

Podcast Description. I’m so excited to begin the podcast finally. It’s been about a year now since I have desired to do this. I had too many challenges which do not exclude the natural inertia to do something new that befalls many of us. But finally, I am able to begin the podcast and here is …

Education Thoughts and Quotes

Quotes are great Quotes to me, are captions, summaries and prompts that put together an explanation for a certain phenomenon. When you want to pass a truth, principle or philosophy of life down from one person to another, one great way to do it is to put it in a short, memorizable statement, known as …

Technology Access and Use VS Learning In Education

There is an increase in the access and use of technology, especially among students. Students are getting excited about owning a smartphone or tablet. However, does this translate to their use of this devices for learning purposes? What is the relationship between technology access and learning with technology? Are students ready for m-learning? The Findings …

My Reflections from the Digital Education Show Africa 2016

It was an exciting past week as I just returned from the Digital Education Show Africa Conference, 18th – 19th October. I had looked forward greatly to it and I was not disappointed. There were quite a number of great sessions, discussions and speakers and so I have decided to trap down (while still fresh) …

5 Effective Uses Of Mobile Technology In The Classroom

Research has shown that though mobile technology is a great tool in our teaching and learning experience, many who use it only use it to increase efficiency and not necessarily effectiveness. This article provides 5 suggestions of how to effectively use mobile technology in the classroom.

PowerPoint Illustrations

Sometime last year, I participated in Blair Rorani’s twitter draw-a-thon challenge on #Everybodydrawnow. It was quite fun and just when we thought it was over, Jeff Kortenbosch continued the challenge but with a little twist on it. Jeff challenged us with 20 images to draw but we had to use Microsoft PowerPoint alone. I joined in that challenge …