Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Digital Storytelling

Recently, I received a mail from a friend of mine telling me about this online MOOC on Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Digital Storytelling. I checked it up, went through the course overall details and decided I was going to be a part of it. It turned out to be a good decision! So I …

My personal Top 10 tools for learning 2014

As I engaged Computer Softwares and tools for my learning this year, a few tools have been very useful for me. I will attempt a list of those tools in no particular order. Thanks to Jane Hart who has requested that we write about our top 10 tools for learning, as a contribution to the …

Disaster Recovery in an Examination: From Storyboard to Course Design

This week’s Articulate e-Learning challenge was all about e-Learning storyboard templates before design. It was a great week as I learnt what it means to storyboard a plot before launching the actual authoring tool to design the course.

Using Dropbox App to share files

In the past few weeks and days, I have had cause to make use of Dropbox to share files. I needed to upload a .mp3 audio file to my blog for download only to discover that WordPress doesn’t allow such files. I wanted to send a video to a friend and yahoo won’t allow me …

Call Center Interactive Training

It’s another week of learning and creating after the two-week non-design break at the articulate e-Learning challenge. This week’s challenge was to design a call center interaction. I almost gave up on being a part of this one due to several physical challenges but then I suddenly remembered… Consistency in learning is key, even if …

My Portfolio Images for sharing

This week’s Articulate e-Learning challenge was to showcase my e-Learning portfolio and create images for sharing on different social media. It was a great time and as usual, packed with many things to learn… I couldn’t refuse participating, at least I will play around with images a bit. It was fun and challenging! There were …

Great Audio tips for e-Learning

Last week’s Articulate e-Learning challenge engaged e-learning designers in sharing great audio tips for building great e-Learning courses. Since I am very new to e-learning, I have not done much of audio narration nor included audio in any of my courses. However, it was a great week learning so much from others as they share …

Explore your new house before you get there!

It was another great week at the e-Learning heroes community with several awesome creative entries in response to this week’s challenge – creating a virtual tour of a fictitious or a real location. I must confess this time that these challenges have actually helped in developing skill in e-Learning tools and several other things.

Time-lapse Video

Recently, there was an articulate e-Learning challenge to design an interactive organisational chart and if you have not already met them, I think you need to meet our media team at BYC. Amidst the several great entries for the challenge, was Jeff’s accompany blog post with a time-lapse video of his design process. That was …